Motion by the wide receiver to a fake reverse. Quarterback then pitches the ball to the halfback for a run to the weak side. Fake Reverse Pitch is an offensive 9 on 9 flag football play from the One Back Balanced Tight formation and is authored by Football Coach. If you get a chance check […]
Motion Misdirection Fullback Dive

Halfback motions to the strong side of an unbalanced formation to influence the defense that way. Quarterback hands off to the fullback on a dive to the weak side. Motion Misdirection Fullback Dive is an offensive 9 on 9 flag football play from the Unbalanced I Formation formation and is authored by Fantasy Football. If […]
Fake Dive Pitch

Fake dive to the fullback to a pitch to the halfback who runs off tackle. Same side guard pulls to block. WR: It should be just you and your defender out here – you have to out fake or out run him. Fake Dive Pitch is an offensive 9 on 9 flag football play from […]
Counter Sweep

Counter sweep to the halfback with the quarterback running a fake bootleg opposite the sweep. Counter Sweep is an offensive 9 on 9 flag football play from the I Formation formation and is authored by Football Coach. To see our 9 on 9 Flag Football Plays, or to design your own flag football plays try a FREE […]