inside slot out route Slot 2 Out is an offensive 9 on 9 flag football play authored by Hit Men. If you get a chance check out our 9 on 9 flag Football Plays Blog. Check out our Wristbands that hold your Flag Football Plays!
Motion WR Screen

TE motion moving left side with a screen to outside WR Motion WR Screen is an offensive 9 on 9 flag football play authored by Hit Men. If you get a chance check out our 9 on 9 flag Football Plays Blog. Check out our Wristbands that hold your Flag Football Plays!
Shotgun 3 Wide 8EKL Slot Seam

Lined up in a Shotgun 3 Wide formation the SE goes on a quick post, the SLOT receiver goes in motion and then runs a seam route up the middle, the TE motions across the formation and runs a hitch and go, and the FL goes on a whip. The quarterback drops back and throws […]